Thursday, December 1, 2022


 The four different TED Talks described multiple issues going on worldwide, but all were similar to each other. These issues were all about privacy in the world. It described how easy it is for the government to track us in the world, and the several ways people could harass us online. These are all issues because of the few laws they have to restrict or punish those from doing these acts. These issues affect society as a whole. 

Imagine the government being able to watch whatever you do. That is what is happening around the country. To start everything that you do online is being tracked. Anybody can find out something about you just by searching up your name and seeing a picture. Sometimes this information is sold to third parties to strengthen the algorithm on these social media sites. Police departments and some phone companies are allowing the government to perform surveillance, and very few people know how to put a stop to this. This affects all of us because some of us are law-abiding citizens with families. We should not have police cars scanning our license plates and searching for information about us without proper cause. There should be laws put in place to stop them from watching ordinary citizens with surveillance. The 4th Amendment forbids the federal government from doing this. Also, we as citizens need to be aware of what we post, and the things we share with other people. The laws in place take too long for any action to happen. Therefore, the things that other people share about us could be up for a while, exactly like the things we post ourselves. 

The government should limit its power in surveillance on us. However it is our job as citizens to watch the power that they use, and make sure that it is not being abused. They are not going to stop overusing their power if we do not notice it. We need to vote for laws to change the environment around us. 


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