Tuesday, December 6, 2022



Throughout the world, there are many wars that go on. Most of the heard voices in the world advocate for the wars that take place. Recently I discovered Antiwar which is a website that showcases many antiwar voices, and I was surprised to see so many. They are against the many wars that have taken place and discuss the possible outcomes of the wars. Generally, negotiating peacefully is the best option they discuss in their writing. However, why is it that we do not see these same voices in mainstream media? Citizens should not have to search extensively to hear an opposing opinion. We should hear all options available, especially when discussing war because citizens are the ones who will be drafted to fight in it. Not the elected officials. This would not be beneficial to the government. History has shown that war pays a lot.
    Look back during the Great Depression. "Ironically, it was World War II, which had arisen in part out of the Great Depression, that finally pulled the United States out of its decade-long economic crisis" (U.S. Department of State). History often repeats itself, meaning to help out with our economy the government
is willing to go to war. Also, during wartime, the government is more powerful. They can act unconstitutional without immediate repercussions. 
This is not just happening now, because of the Ukraine war. One example in history I learned about was the Vietnam war. I once wrote a paper about it, and remember reading about the countless protest against that war. It was a lot of news coverage. Eventually, the U.S. withdrew its troops and let them come home. Today voices like that are not in the media. They know how powerful voices are and do not want to lose the power they hold right now. 

Overall, war is beneficial to the government. This is why they censor anti-war voices. The national news sources we hear from, such as CNN a mutual relationship with the government. So they keep certain voices out of the media. This is why citizens everywhere have to perform heavy research to retrieve certain information. 


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