Friday, November 4, 2022

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court, located in Washington D.C, is the most powerful court in the world from the many powers it is granted by the Constitution. It is served by nine justices appointed by the president for life. One of its powers makings it the strongest court in the world is the power of Judicial review. The Supreme Court was formally established in 1789 by George Washington. The main function of the court is to make sure none of the other branches do anything unconstitutional.

Their Power

However, I learned that the Supreme Court cannot go and start a case on something they deem unconstitutional. Somebody else has to send the complaint. Then, it has to work its way up the court's ladder. Next, the Supreme Court decides if they want to take the case or not, and if they do trial begins. It is necessary that they can't seek out things done unconstitutionally by the other branches, and start a case on it. Meaning, there would be no need for anyone to file a case. If this was the case they would be the most powerful branch, and none of the other branches could limit their powers. They have the power to set the law for the entire country, the other branches, including citizens too, have to follow it.  


                                                                                     The most important takeaway about the Supreme Court's power is, depending on the outcome of a case that sets the law for the rest of the country. For example, as mentioned in class, the "Missouri v. Dred Scott" case conclusion stated slaves were not citizens and could never be freed. That case set the precedent for the entire country. It took an amendment that the citizens agreed on to make this change, and end slavery. Therefore, the Judicial Branch is extremely powerful, given the fact that they decide the law for the country.  

Interesting Fact

They have a power that no other court in the world has which is Judicial Review. This is surprising because it grants them the right to go back and look at a case, and maybe change the conclusion. This was established from the case "Marbury v. Madison".  If they decide a mistake was made in the past they can go change the outcome. 


Ultimately, the Supreme Court is more powerful than I thought it was. The only downside is the process for them to accept or decline a case. That takes a long time which delays their power. However, this branch keeps the president and congress in check.  All somebody has to do is file a case. If they accept the outcome controls all of our futures. 

Sources:'s%20Dred%20Scott%20Case%2C%201846,Missouri%20Compromise%20to%20be%20unconstitutional. and

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