Friday, November 4, 2022

My Top 5 News Sources

 In my generation, we have the privilege of the news being so accessible from digital media, our daily use of phones and computers, etc. That said, it would be thought that we get every side of the story when presented with the news, which is not true at all. Major national news outlets based out of the US portray all of the same messages, leading me to get my news elsewhere. Also, it makes my top 5 list of news sources very similar to my peers, but that's because these social media apps use algorithms to track and show news similar to your beliefs, so you keep scrolling. Therefore, making my first four news sources Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube. Lastly, a place I like to receive news from is Google. 

1. Instagram

Instagram is my first option because I have an interest in sports, and that is the main thing I focus on from the news. With Instagram on your "Home Page", they mainly show posts from the people or organizations you may follow. That is how I keep up with the several trades, or stories of different athletes or sports organizations actively because I know I will check every other day.  Also, it is very easy to access. There is no need to log into a computer, it can be accessed from your phone. Meaning, if I want to see what is going on in the sports world I can just click on the app and I will see. I would not highly recommend using this for your daily news. It is extremely biased and you will not get both sides of the story for politics or other world problems. It is a great app to stay on top of your hobbies, for example, it is the quickest way for me to follow all the news in sports without turning on a TV. That is the best way to use this news outlet. (

2. TikTok

Moving forward, TikTok is an app similar to Instagram, because they both use algorithms to track the likes of individuals, and often show those on your "For You Page".  However, TikTok often shows new items than the people or organizations you follow. They show new things to keep the viewers intrigued, and they keep hoping for more. During my time on TikTok, I have seen several different news stories, and they don't just show one side. There is the option to see different opinions, and people discuss these in the comment sections, they are challenged to explore other viewpoints than just their own. I recommend TikTok as an entertainment news app, but also an app to get a broader understanding of the world of news. (

3. Twitter

I use Twitter to receive
news and information about anything. It is similar to TikTok because of the different viewpoints that are seen, and it's somewhere where people just talk and share their beliefs and opinions. I use it to follow my hobbies and world news. It's just people's opinion on the subject for the most part. I recommend Twitter to anyone who wants to see like-minded people's opinions or see something different. It is like the median between Instagram and TikTok, excluding the heavy visual qualities. (

4. YouTube

YouTube is strictly for entertainment purposes or learning. I receive a lot of information about things I have an interest in, such as cinematography, sports, etc. That is what I mainly watch on YouTube. There are a lot of biased creators on the platform who serve as news channels, but they mainly state the same information. To find a different opinion or unpopular opinions smaller channels normally up
load that information, as YouTube normally performs several acts of censorship to some creators who don't support their opinions. For that reason, I strictly use Youtube for entertainment purposes. It is a great app to learn something new, but not for news. (

5. Google  

Lastly, I use google for informational searches, and to figure out what is going on in the world. Since they are the owners of YouTube, they perform a lot of censorship practices as well. It is not as easy to hide, as they do on YouTube. They can't revoke access to other news outlets that are not on their agenda. Therefore, when using Google for news I know exactly what I'm looking up to get to my answers, which is what everyone might have to do if they don't want biased results. Non-biased opinions are on every platform but for the most accurate and accessible propose Google. (


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