Tuesday, November 29, 2022

EOTO Review

 Google Review 

A communication technology I did not know much about was Google's search engine. At first, I thought search engines were created alongside the internet while listening to Caleb's presentation, I learned it was not like that initially. When the internet was first created files were everywhere with no specific way to reach them. Then, over time search browsers, like Archie and Aliweb launched to allow consumers to search what they needed to look for. These two applications initiated the idea of web browsing. However, there was still the issue of how to get the most efficient results. Caleb explained how WebCrawler was created and it allowed people to use keywords to find exactly what they were searching for. This was the first phase of web browsers.
Caleb explained how Google was launched in 1996 for the public to use. It was the most efficient way to

search on the web at the time and still maintains that reputation today. It was created off of already existing software, such as WebCrawler. It also used new software called PageRank. This ranked the pages to allow what would be shown first based on the user. Search engine optimization was used as well. All of these contribute to how efficient Google is. The search engine pertains specifically to that user. Google's popularity then led to deals with Apple, allowing it to be the search engine used by Safari. 
This ultimately changes how we interpret information. Caleb explained how easily the information is accessed; it lowers our chance of remembering information. He stated how this could change what lessons are taught in school. 
Overall, this invention was something new to me. I understood that Google was not always around, but I did not know all of the details of why the search results are so accurate. Throughout, Caleb's presentation he explained the several search engine software before Google, and how Google used them to create their platform today. He went described what Google did differently too. 

Levanthal, Caleb. Search Engines Presentation

Cloud Computing

Brief History 

The concept of cloud computing dates back to the 1950s. The computer was already created, but it was far more basic than what the computer is known for today. Employers wanted workers to be able to access files on the mainframe simultaneously to make the job more efficient. Later, in the 1970s software like VMware, made it possible to access different mainframes at the same time. This allowed multiple computing software, and strategies to be held inside just one piece of equipment. These ideas initiated the beginning of condensing multiple computing software into one machine. Later, in the '90s companies started offering VPNs to the general public. From this, they started to branch outside of physical infrastructure, leading us to the modern idea of cloud computing. Cloud computing uses online networks to work with data.


In the modern age, there are several uses of the cloud and also different types. First, they have a private cloud. Companies mainly use this to store data, and only those affiliated with the company can access it. This cuts off the data for the rest of the world and is the most secure of the different versions. Google Drive is an example of a private cloud. Google offers the service; the consumer is the only one with access to the documents they store there. The public cloud is the complete opposite. It stores data for anyone to see. An example of this version is university virtual libraries. On those websites, they store a lot of data that can be accessed by anyone. Next, we have the mixture of the two; the hybrid cloud. Hybrid clouds allow private cloud services to connect to public clouds. For example, government websites have data stored all throughout the cloud service they use to upload them. However, they do not want the public to have access to everything, so some of the data end up being restricted and only available through the private cloud. Lastly, the multi-cloud allows different clouds with different jobs to come together and work simultaneously. They also allow on-site infrastructure to be a part of this cloud too. This is the most flexible of the different types. The consumer can use software from two or more vendors for their job in the most effective way possible. 


There are several companies that make money from selling the clouds. Amazon Web Services was created in 2006. Their cloud allowed data storing and computing for companies. For example, the NFL uses its services to compute data. Later, that data is used to predict the probability of certain plays, based on a player's stats. Their services are mainly used by big companies to manage their data. IBM's cloud services work similarly to AWS's. They sell them for data computing. Now, for individual use consumers mainly use Google cloud services. They were launched in 2006. However, they only launched Google Docs, allowing people to manage papers online. From this, they grew their cloud services to allow individuals to store pictures, videos, etc. All of this is possible from Google drive. This software is more useful
to an individual. 

Communication Uses

The pandemic caused several businesses to closed, and other businesses to do work from home. Cloud computing was a big factor in this. If on-site infrastructure was used at most of these businesses data would not be accessible to employees at home. Communicating is one of the main uses of cloud computing. Huge files can not just be sent through email or text messages. For example, I do multiple editing projects. When a video is sent to me we use a physical hard drive or it is sent through Adobe Cloud or Google Drive. This is extremely helpful in our world today. Everyone is always moving and most people want to work from home. Cloud computing allows that because all the data is accessed through the internet. Also, it is beneficial to businesses as well. Cloud computing allows a less expensive way for businesses to store data. Most businesses purchase access to a cloud from other businesses. Those businesses then maintain the cloud for the business, meaning the company of the cloud pays for any problems that might occur. These also allow data to be recovered easily if lost. Ultimately, it is more reliable to any product user than anything physical. 


Friday, November 4, 2022

8 Values of Free Expression

 First Amendment

The First Amendment grants and protects six giving rights for us Americans, and the government can never take them away, or else it will be unconstitutional. The First Amendment is extremely important throughout our history and in today's society, as any law is but these were the first things that James Madison set up for citizens of this country to have. The six rights listed are equivalent to natural rights, or rights any human being is born with. These rights were added first to protect us from the power of the government. It grants us the freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition, and the freedom of and from religion. These are all extremely important, but for me right now I believe freedom of speech is the one we citizens need to exercise more. These rights were included to protect us. It is our job as citizens to make sure the government is not abusing its power. 

In recent years censorship has been a recurring event happening. Where people have opposing viewpoints to popular belief, social media platforms silence their voices, preventing them from reaching an audience. As a communication major that is frightening that they can do that, but they are not under the 1st amendment at all. It only applies to the government, or events they are involved in. While doing research I came across Casey Harper, D.C. Bureau Reporter, who has an article reporting an investigation initiated in congress. "News of this effort from federal law enforcement sparked national controversy for details of the Biden administration’s persistent pressure on tech companies like Facebook to delete content it finds inappropriate" (Harper). If this comes out to be true this will be violating our rights. American citizens have been given these rights since the Bill of Rights was first ratified. James Madison and other collaborators for the First Amendment included freedom of speech because they knew what the government was capable of. This makes the other ones important as well. While cases are coming out right now explaining that the government is involved in censorship it is our job to use the other clauses to speak out against it. Bringing me to the "Market Place of Ideas", which briefly explains that the truth will always win, and become stronger when it has to compete with false accusations. Proving, why these rights are important for us to practice. 

The Eight Values of Expressing briefly describe why it is extremely important for us citizens to be able to express ourselves to the government, so they do not abuse its power. The one that resonates with me most is "Individual Self-Fulfillment". As a communication major, I have to know how to communicate effectively and be creative with how I do it. I can't be creative I state the same thing everyone else is saying. Everyone has to be unique, which differs us from other societies across the world, and leads into another clause. "Promote Innovation" states that society will thrive when our First Amendment rights are protected. That is personal to me because in a competitive society we have to thrive to remain at the top. It forces everyone to be different when they are not being controlled by one person's beliefs. It gives us a chance to take criticism and build from it. 

The most important of those values is "Check on Governmental Power". We have to be wise and observe the government. We have horizontal checks and balances where the different branches keep watch, and make sure the other branch is not abusing their power. However, we also have vertical checks and balances. This includes the individual, state government, and federal government all watching each other. Citizens need to remain knowledgeable and use the rights they were given to inform others. Freedom of the press grants us the right to speak out against the government. This is important right now especially with the cases, explaining censorship acts including the government.  

"Participation in Self-Government" is the one I see in action the most today. When elections come around

I see people use their rights to inform everyone to go vote if they can. Of course, they are biased at times, but it is good that we do inform each other to practice our civil duties. If we don't vote then we cannot change the problems that develop over time when our leaders do abuse their power. This is another way to prevent this from happening. 

In conclusion, our First Amendment rights go hand-in-hand with those values of expression. They all explain how we need to practice our rights to thrive as a society, and not fall victim to the government's power. 





Supreme Court

The Supreme Court, located in Washington D.C, is the most powerful court in the world from the many powers it is granted by the Constitution. It is served by nine justices appointed by the president for life. One of its powers makings it the strongest court in the world is the power of Judicial review. The Supreme Court was formally established in 1789 by George Washington. The main function of the court is to make sure none of the other branches do anything unconstitutional.

Their Power

However, I learned that the Supreme Court cannot go and start a case on something they deem unconstitutional. Somebody else has to send the complaint. Then, it has to work its way up the court's ladder. Next, the Supreme Court decides if they want to take the case or not, and if they do trial begins. It is necessary that they can't seek out things done unconstitutionally by the other branches, and start a case on it. Meaning, there would be no need for anyone to file a case. If this was the case they would be the most powerful branch, and none of the other branches could limit their powers. They have the power to set the law for the entire country, the other branches, including citizens too, have to follow it.  


                                                                                     The most important takeaway about the Supreme Court's power is, depending on the outcome of a case that sets the law for the rest of the country. For example, as mentioned in class, the "Missouri v. Dred Scott" case conclusion stated slaves were not citizens and could never be freed. That case set the precedent for the entire country. It took an amendment that the citizens agreed on to make this change, and end slavery. Therefore, the Judicial Branch is extremely powerful, given the fact that they decide the law for the country.  

Interesting Fact

They have a power that no other court in the world has which is Judicial Review. This is surprising because it grants them the right to go back and look at a case, and maybe change the conclusion. This was established from the case "Marbury v. Madison".  If they decide a mistake was made in the past they can go change the outcome. 


Ultimately, the Supreme Court is more powerful than I thought it was. The only downside is the process for them to accept or decline a case. That takes a long time which delays their power. However, this branch keeps the president and congress in check.  All somebody has to do is file a case. If they accept the outcome controls all of our futures. 




https://youtu.be/cWRoXYRsaeo and https://youtu.be/Ca8qSuWxcG8

My Top 5 News Sources

 In my generation, we have the privilege of the news being so accessible from digital media, our daily use of phones and computers, etc. That said, it would be thought that we get every side of the story when presented with the news, which is not true at all. Major national news outlets based out of the US portray all of the same messages, leading me to get my news elsewhere. Also, it makes my top 5 list of news sources very similar to my peers, but that's because these social media apps use algorithms to track and show news similar to your beliefs, so you keep scrolling. Therefore, making my first four news sources Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube. Lastly, a place I like to receive news from is Google. 

1. Instagram

Instagram is my first option because I have an interest in sports, and that is the main thing I focus on from the news. With Instagram on your "Home Page", they mainly show posts from the people or organizations you may follow. That is how I keep up with the several trades, or stories of different athletes or sports organizations actively because I know I will check every other day.  Also, it is very easy to access. There is no need to log into a computer, it can be accessed from your phone. Meaning, if I want to see what is going on in the sports world I can just click on the app and I will see. I would not highly recommend using this for your daily news. It is extremely biased and you will not get both sides of the story for politics or other world problems. It is a great app to stay on top of your hobbies, for example, it is the quickest way for me to follow all the news in sports without turning on a TV. That is the best way to use this news outlet. (https://www.instagram.com/)

2. TikTok

Moving forward, TikTok is an app similar to Instagram, because they both use algorithms to track the likes of individuals, and often show those on your "For You Page".  However, TikTok often shows new items than the people or organizations you follow. They show new things to keep the viewers intrigued, and they keep hoping for more. During my time on TikTok, I have seen several different news stories, and they don't just show one side. There is the option to see different opinions, and people discuss these in the comment sections, they are challenged to explore other viewpoints than just their own. I recommend TikTok as an entertainment news app, but also an app to get a broader understanding of the world of news. (https://www.tiktok.com/en/)

3. Twitter

I use Twitter to receive
news and information about anything. It is similar to TikTok because of the different viewpoints that are seen, and it's somewhere where people just talk and share their beliefs and opinions. I use it to follow my hobbies and world news. It's just people's opinion on the subject for the most part. I recommend Twitter to anyone who wants to see like-minded people's opinions or see something different. It is like the median between Instagram and TikTok, excluding the heavy visual qualities. (https://twitter.com/twitter?lang=en)

4. YouTube

YouTube is strictly for entertainment purposes or learning. I receive a lot of information about things I have an interest in, such as cinematography, sports, etc. That is what I mainly watch on YouTube. There are a lot of biased creators on the platform who serve as news channels, but they mainly state the same information. To find a different opinion or unpopular opinions smaller channels normally up
load that information, as YouTube normally performs several acts of censorship to some creators who don't support their opinions. For that reason, I strictly use Youtube for entertainment purposes. It is a great app to learn something new, but not for news. (https://www.youtube.com/)

5. Google  

Lastly, I use google for informational searches, and to figure out what is going on in the world. Since they are the owners of YouTube, they perform a lot of censorship practices as well. It is not as easy to hide, as they do on YouTube. They can't revoke access to other news outlets that are not on their agenda. Therefore, when using Google for news I know exactly what I'm looking up to get to my answers, which is what everyone might have to do if they don't want biased results. Non-biased opinions are on every platform but for the most accurate and accessible propose Google. (https://www.google.com/)


Final Blog: My Relationship with Technology

     Since the beginning of the 21st century, several essential inventions have changed how we view the world. Technology is used throughout...