Monday, December 12, 2022


Propaganda has been used all throughout the world for several periods. It is any form of media or even using your voice to promote a specific viewpoint, and it usually targets a large group of people. Also, it is not just a tool used in politics to persuade the public. It can be used in advertisements, etc… When most people hear propaganda, they visualize the Uncle Sam poster used during World War II, which did have a lot of propaganda.

However, propaganda originated during ancient Greek times, when the Greek empire thrived and ruled their world nobody could stop it. That is one of the things they are known for, but what about their art? This is where the concept of propaganda begins. In the multiple plays they performed, and speeches they used for campaigns. For example, the Greek commander Themistocles lured the Persian navy into a battle they could not win in 480 BC. Later, when the Greek empire fell its uses spread to Rome, England, and Spain. They used it for mainly political and military battles. Famous people who used them effectively were Julius Caesar and Martin Luther. Julius Caesar effectively utilized the tool in several political speeches. Martin Luther used it to influence people to move away from the Catholic Church.

Then, the term spread throughout America during the revolutionary period. They used several political cartoons, and books to influence everyone in the country to support breaking away from Britain. This form of persuasion was also used during the Mexican-American war. They needed citizens to be on board with the idea of annexing Mexico, so they used multiple posters to inflict this message. When we must learn about propaganda during both World Wars. In World War I we needed money for military operations. Propaganda was used to influence Americans to buy war bonds and support the war. Also, they began using new forms of media such as radio stations to support the war.
When America joined the fight for World War II the country was filled with patriotism, because of the attack, so the majority of the country supported the war.

In 1964 the country saw a political ad used against Barry Goldwater because of unpopular comments he made about atomic warfare. The “Daisy Girl” Commercial illustrated an innocent child being affected by the bomb. This won the election for Lyndon B. Johnson.
We also see propaganda today used effectively in politics. For example, we saw it during the 2008 election for Obama. It was also used for the recent 2020 election, and is still in use today throughout all media forms, like during the pandemic.

There were several ads displayed all over the country informing people to stay inside. It made many people fearful too as they did not know what was true. Ultimately, propaganda is used to influence us all; we just have to be aware and remember to think for ourselves. It is used all around us, especially today with how easy it is to access technology. We can see and hear it anywhere now, and it will continue to grow just as technology has over the years.


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